anonymous (adj): of unknown name; lacking individuality or distinction

apostrophe (n): the direct address of an absent or imaginary person, or of a personified abstraction

anostrophe (n): letters with nowhere to go

Monday, March 3, 2008

because I want MORE words, not fewer . . .

Dear political correctness,

I never ask you for much. You have to admit, I'm a very good cultural participant. As oppressive as you might be, you really have made me think twice about who I might offend with my words and, in the long run, although you have shrunken my vocabulary, you have broadened my heart.

So, please, I only ask you for one thing. Can we have the word "retarded" back? I know you lend yourself to this linguistic trend of reclamation, alá "cunt," "queer" and even "nigger," but only when the words are being reclaimed by the communities themselves. Well, I may not be in a wheelchair, but I do wear glasses and have to take blood medication, and goddammit, I want "retarded" back! I don't even want to reclaim it, I just want to use it like it was meant to be used.

You see, "retard" has a perfectly legitimate, wonderfully specific meaning. It means, please do not attack me for using a conservative, traditional, oppressive dictionary written by a Great Straight White Male to define it, but, it means: "delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment."

Wow, it's so amazing. And you know why it's useful? Because "progress," "development," and "accomplishment" are not words that exclusively refer to the body or the mind, or even to people!

And yet, if I try to drop a nice, proper, deliciously phrased usage of this word in polite conversation, I get funny looks, if not a full-on comment about the word. It ruins everything. You've trained us so successfully that we can't even use words anymore.

I know what you're thinking: Why not the words "delay," "hinder," "obstruct," "hamper," "detain," or "inhibit?"

I'll tell you why. They don't sound as good as "retard." "Retard" sounds like what it is, it sounds like a huge word stuck inside a small word, unable to progress, develop, or accomplish a larger meaning. It's wondrous, and I love it, and it's your fault that it now sounds like something in terms of disfigurement or disgust, because it became one of your words, used inversely as its own label of intolerance. Not fair! If poor soil retards the growth of my lilies, why can't I say that?! I want to say that!

Look, as an English major, I've let a ton of perfectly good words go. I miss "gay," in particular, and "niggardly" is a verbal no-no, now. "Queer" was a great way to describe something slightly off, but now it reeks of politics. "Fag" was like the hippest thing to casually light on fire, until it hit this side of the ocean and referred to a person. I can't "wop" anyone over the head, or even objectively describe Jewishness without getting in some kind of trouble. I have to be careful with the color spectrum, black, red, brown, and yellow, or else I'll have you to answer to with my friends, my job, my livelihood.

For an educated young woman who enjoys the notion of "freedom of expression," I have certainly given up words, phrases, and even ideas, all for you, frequently at the expense of honesty. And that's fine. I understand. I don't want to hurt anyone, deny anyone their roots, their right to specific struggles, and so on.

Listen, I'm not cruel. I just want the one word. Keep the rest. My desires are humble. I just want you to stop retarding my freedom of expression.


Anonymous said...

Hrm... Well... I still use "retarded" in the offends-people-kind-of-way. Although to be honest, I often reconsider after using it, because actually most genuine retards are really nice whereas the people who I apply it to are major bastards (not that I necessarily have anything against children of illegitimate birth either). It's the loss of gay that upsets me against. Seriously, will anyone ever read Nietzsche's The Gay Science again without snickering? The loss of queer bothers me a bit too, particularly in relationship to Lovecraft. In fact, considering the likely association of queer with the aquatic monsters in HPL's work, I suspect I might discern the origins of the infamous tentacle porn. Actually, to me the most linguistically offensive person was Freud, because he turned every word into sex. Yeah. Freud was a really queer retard bastard. Not that I have anything against queers, retards, or bastards, or D, all of the above. Gah. I think I'm going to start telling people who piss me off "Freud you, mother-Freuder!"

P.S. Is it just me, or is it sortof euphemistic calling people in wheelchairs handicapped? Shouldn't they be called legicapped?

Anonymous said...

Oh btw, re: political correctness re: Jews, check out Constantine's Sword by James Carroll, you'll probably find it interesting. It was a NYTimes notable book, and a LATimes "best book of the year." But that probably doesn't mean much coming from a Jew controlled media ;')

Anonymous said...

Oh, um, btw, if you it you may notice that it has a three star rating ;'D that's because out of 241 reviews, 91 of them are one star (alot of offended Christians ;'D I was so tempted to say offended anti-semites, which is what I really think when I say Christians).

Vi said...

Yeah, I miss "gay" a lot. I was watching a very colorful film from the 30s that had a lot of men hanging out together and laughing while wearing tights (yes, Robin Hood) and someone called it gay. But it is "gay!" It's not homoerotic, but how could something with so many belly laughs not be mirthful and thus gay? So sad.

I like queer, too. It's a fancy word and it hasn't lost its edge. It's SOOOO fun to say.

I'll put Constantine's Sword on watch, but it better not be 800 pages long, because I just don't have the time.

And a Jew-controlled media wouldn't be such a bad thing if the media out-put were primarily GOOD. :)

AND (god, long comments beget long comments), Freud wasn't the first or the worst about sexualizing words. You can't really blame him for that, especially since he got so many Big Picture things right, despite his unfortunate vocabulary and periodic blunders (Elektra complex anyone?). I do think he'd make a good swear, though.

Anonymous said...

Wait, who was worse than Freud at sexualizing... well... everything really. Well, the purpose of the Jew controlled media is to retard the Goyim by making them believe that they are watching television of substance when actually they are watching redundant rubbish that's pseudo-propaganda :') such as Fox News.

I'm not entirely sure why my parents didn't read their International Jewish Conspiracy Newsletter though. My mother can sit in front of a news channel for most of the day with vacant eyes and mouth hanging low. I kid you not (about the last part).

Oh don't worry about Constantine's Sword, it's only about 760 pages ;'D but if you still feel it's too long, feel free to tear out some of the pages near the end or middle.

Hrm... Can't blame Freud? "YES WE CAN!" We've got to take back our favorite scapegoats from Washington bureaucracy. Everytime I watch an Obama rally all I can think about is how much I hate Freud. Um... Slightly more seriously, I do recognize his contributions as are laid out in Carl Jung's Critique of Psychoanalysis. That being said, far too many of Freud's "facts" were projections of his own psychological pathologies (or more generously, in some cases, his culture's pathologies). Oh yeah, and he was a severely crack addicted prick, a real Freuder Freuding Freud Freud. FREEEEEUD! I really hate that guy :'\ and not just because he's Jewish ;')

Vi said...

Yay! You used the word "retard!" That made me smile. But anyway . . .

Hell, Kraft-Ebbing was screwing with the categorization of sexuality before Freud, and was all about the shock treatment and stuff. At least Freud called -everyone- a neurotic, instead of just the people who stuck out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to dissuade you of your Freud hate (you're free to hate whoever you want, and seeing as Freud isn't really available to be a victim of a hate crime based on his Freudishness, I don't think it'll do any harm to keep harping on him), but in addition to his views being perverted by his culture, they've been subsequently perverted by ours, to the point where, despite taking his relatively basic psychological theories for granted in daily life, Freud is hated as a result of -our- extraction of his extreme and specific statements from their context.

It's all a total load of Freud, if you ask me.