anonymous (adj): of unknown name; lacking individuality or distinction

apostrophe (n): the direct address of an absent or imaginary person, or of a personified abstraction

anostrophe (n): letters with nowhere to go

Monday, May 19, 2008

being mean is frequently funny . . .

Dear Middle Aged Code Pink Protestor,

It was so nice to start my morning off with a slice of your hypocrisy pie. I thought it was especially cute when I walked past you at 8:30 in the morning and you yelled “wake up,” at me. I thought it was extra cute when you forced a pamphlet into my hands and then held my hand while looking somberly into my eyes and then whispering “wake up.”

After our delightful meeting this morning that not only challenged the war but also the conventional standards of social interaction betwixt strangers (LADY HELD MY HAND) I was forced to assemble a brief list of reasons why I hate you.

1.) Ahh boomers, there are a lot of reasons I think you are self deluded assholes. For starters let us more beyond that “we ended the war,” none sense because the vast majority of you were not involved in student protests. For the minority of you who were involved in the student protest movement congrat’s, I mean seriously you made the rain fall totes hard, what was that, 5 years between the 68' riots and the Nixon pulling out of Vietnam? Yeah I think it was and didn’t he pull out of Vietnam for a myriad of reasons, only one of which was the protest movement? So like good job or whatever can we move beyond all your high and mighty generation Q bullshit, thanks.

2.) Hey I am against the war and don’t like that it is my generation who is fighting the war, maybe I would like to protest with you? Oh fuck wait, I can’t because I have a crap load of student loans which I took out to go to college because since you graduated the cost of a college education has tripled. Plus it is harder and harder to get government aide so I guess I will have to go to my bitch job this morning to pay for the college education that you insisted I get, thanks.

3.) I was not the one who gave up on the dream, bought a Volvo, voted for Regan and elected Bush twice, so you can take that smug look off your face old-timer.

I will not be judged as a yuppie by you people, in all likelihood this is the first time you have been to the financial district in years before 10am. You probably live in the East Bay and fill your life with childcare and book clubs. Those of us involved in the world of work, which is coincidentally where real power is born are not fools nor have we lost the republican spirit this nation was founded on. We do however have to make rent, so take your judgement elsewhere boomers.


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