anonymous (adj): of unknown name; lacking individuality or distinction

apostrophe (n): the direct address of an absent or imaginary person, or of a personified abstraction

anostrophe (n): letters with nowhere to go

Monday, July 21, 2008

meniality rears its tedious head . . .

Dear Work,

Why must the day be so long? Why can we not be civilized and work the necessary amount of time to get all the work done that is required? If I finish everything I need to do by 2:30, why can I not go home? You know as well as I that I'll just sit around and read about Amy Winehouse's emphysema or Jamie Lynn Spears's baby. Then alt-tab to pretend that I'm reading that exact same email notifying us about the union strike, like I can't hear it from here.

But really. Is the 40-hour work week really necessary? Must I draft another letter to your friend, the US Government and ask that the standards of work be amended to suit the changing face of e-business? Things get done faster. There is no need to be here for 8 hours, and because that is SUCH a large portion of the day, it incites more laziness and time-wasting in order for an employee to feel like this is not slavery. I don't actually care about Amy Winehouse. If I was given the time I need, and set free once the requirements of my day had been met, I would not read about such garbage in order to fill up the small minutes between large tasks.

I implore you, Work. Set me free. Or at least recommend me to a good place that does adhere to such exalted work standards.

Probably everyone here

from meelou

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