anonymous (adj): of unknown name; lacking individuality or distinction

apostrophe (n): the direct address of an absent or imaginary person, or of a personified abstraction

anostrophe (n): letters with nowhere to go

Friday, April 4, 2008

first contributor post . . .

Dear Sleep,

Listen, Sleep. I got some questions for you.

Where were you on the night of April 2, 2008 at 9 o'clock pm? I believe we we had arranged to meet in room D14-B in the Hitch Residential Suites on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles. We were supposed to have a five-hour rendez-vous in preparation for my 3am-9am work shift. I was there. I kept my end of the deal. You, however, were nowhere to be found.

Where were you, Sleep? Where? And don't say "in those NyQuil caplets." Drugs are not the answer, Sleep. You're an enabler for young, impressionable college students. You should know that your absence has its consequences. I haven't seen you in over 22 hours. And I won't have the opportunity to catch up with you for another 6 hours or so because I have classes and whatnot. And unless I get a bit more energetic, I shan't make the best of first impressions in my film discussion. Am I the only one who is upset about this?

I miss you, Sleep. I miss our talks. All in all, Sleep, I think my feelings for you would best be expressed in the words The Beatles (and less-importantly, the Across the Universe Soundtrack): I want you (dun dun dun dun) I want you so baaaaaad.

I'll see you in a few hours. You know where to find me.

You better show up.


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